Thursday 9 February 2012


Ok hubbies out with mates, daughter sleeping, going to do a random deep and meaningful blog  ....

Lately I have been reminded the simple truth of how very important our words are. I believe what we speak can actually change our lives. It is so easy when you are stressed out, tired or plane cranky to speak negative destructive words over your own life and the lives of others.

Yes I think there is a time and it can be very healing to vent, get things off you chest have a good heart to heart and no I don't believe in being fake or not genuine. However I think it is totally possible (as hard as it is) to pick yourself up out of any situation and make a decision to speak hope and life into it regardless of how you feel.

This is my goal for the year to speak positive words and life over my own life, health, my husband, my daughter and finances. At the moment I have not been doing so great with my words, which is why I think it has been brought to my attention, but I am definitely a lot more aware of what I speak out and am getting a little better each day at speaking wisely.

As a teacher I tried my very best to speak encouragement over my students and I have to say it was amazing to see how the children would grow in confidence and start to believe in themselves just through a few encouraging words. Studies have shown children in an environment where they feel they are believed in and encouraged end up achieving much higher academically than children whose weaknesses and shortcomings were continually pointed out.

This brings me to relationships and marriage, I find it so easy to focus on what is wrong with the other person, sometimes I'm sure I could write Brad an essay with all kinds of self improvement suggestions (who do I think I am?)  ha! :) but l seriously ...lately that bit in the Bible keeps coming to mind about "take the plank out of your own eye before pointing out the splinter in someone elses". This is so true! I think relationships are strengthened when we just worry about working on ourselves and are  thankful for who the other person is without any grand expectations on them.

I have to remind myself words are so powerful,  at times when you want to focus on something unfair in life, a traumatic event or a persons weakness, I want to try and choose to speak the positive and focus on the good!

Our voice is a gift and I want to try and use that gift to bring healing, encouragement and hope. I'm certainly not completely there yet but I'm on my way!

Here are some inspirational words I have found  ENJOY ........

Sending Love xxx EMMY

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